The Pickup Family – Flagstaff Family Photographer

Oh my goodness, I love this family! Their kids are the cutest! We had so much fun, and I wished that I could take these little ones home with me. 

Eddie, Criselle, & their sweet family – Flagstaff Family Photographer

The Hagermans are an amazing family! You can really tell how much they love each other. Their oldest son graduated in the spring and is leaving on a two year mission for his church. Criselle knew she wanted to get family pictures done before he left, and we decided to do some Mission pictures of […]

The Johnson Family – Flagstaff Family Photographer

I love watching families grow! Especially families that I love and have know forever. They are the best kind of people. It’s crazy how fast time goes by.

The Redford Family – Flagstaff Family Photographer

The Redfords are seriously the best people! I love their kindness, sense of humor, and work ethic. They would do anything for anyone. They are moving soon, and I’m so sad. Good friends are hard to say goodbye to.

Mike & Nichole’s little family – Arizona family photographer

Between giggles and random hugs, I went home a happier person after photographing my brother’s beautiful family. All of my nieces and nephews are the best…and their parents are pretty great too ;). I love my family!