The Smith Family – Flagstaff Family Photographer

Tom & Tricia have such a great family. These kids rock!  I love that even though we both had interesting days (flat tires, etc.), they were able to let go of their stress and just enjoy being together. I can’t wait to take Meagan’s senior pictures in a couple of weeks!

Halloween Mini Session – Flagstaff Child Photographer

These have to be some of the cutest kids around! I mean seriously!!! Their mom Carly made all of their costumes…the snake charmer, clown, and little lion. Isn’t she talented? Happy Halloween!

Mike, Jen, & Family – Arizona Family Photographer

I was so happy to photograph my brother-in-law and his family.  They are some of my most favorite people!  We met up at the White Tank mountains for a beautiful morning session. I love the valley this time of year when everything cools down. Even though Mike & Jen live just a few hours down the […]

The Freiwald Family – Flagstaff Family Photographer

This beautiful family from Chandler drove up to Flagstaff for their yearly family pictures. We had a fun afternoon at Aspen Corner. I was smitten with this little girl.  Her dimples and infectious laugh made my day!

The Cowan Family – Flagstaff Family Photographer

I have gotten to know this family pretty well over the last few years, and I love spending time with them. Between my lame jokes and their teasing we have a great time! Samantha is one of the sweetest women I know. She’s always bringing me yummy treats or cute crafts. What a great family!