The Hagermans – Flagstaff Family Photographer

Such a fantastic family! I was looking at pictures I took of them a few years ago, and can’t believe how much these kids have grown. We had so much fun on the north campus of NAU. I just love these guys!

Fun at the Fair! – Flagstaff Family Photographer

I was so excited when Sarah suggested taking their family pictures at the fair this year. We had so much fun! Cotton candy, ferris wheels, face painting…it doesn’t get much cuter than this!

Eli and Family – Flagstaff Child and Family Photographer

Little Eli is one! Isn’t he the cutest thing you’ve ever seen? I just want to kiss those cheeks :). I was able to take his newborn pictures last year, and it is so fun to see how much he has grown. We figured that while we celebrated this milestone, we should get a few […]

Josclyn – Flagstaff Child Photographer

I had so much fun with this sweet little girl! All she wanted to do was climb trees in her beautiful dress. I love that she is a little bit tomboy, but loves to twirl and dream about fairies too. Congratulations Josclyn on your baptism!

The Boone Family – Flagstaff Family Photographer

I knew Jenni when she was a little girl…and now she has girls of her own! It’s hard to believe how fast time flies. I’m so glad I was able to take pictures of them at this stage in life. These little ones grow up so quickly. Such a beautiful family!