
Do any of your husbands work too much? My guy is a CPA, and has been known to bring work just about anywhere…including on vacation. He was recently asked to submit a picture for a marketing campaign that shows how he is able to work anywhere using the Cloud. We had a little too much fun with this project […]

State Swim Meet

There have been many (many) trips to the Valley this fall for my oldest son’s swim meets. He swims for Flagstaff High School, and I am his biggest fan! Although I’m positive I embarrass him at all of his meets, I can’t help being proud (and probably too loud)!  I love watching him and his […]

Besties – Flagstaff, AZ Photographer

These gorgeous girls have been friends forever! We did a mini shoot in the sunflowers and had so much fun. Love them to pieces!   

Happy Halloween!